Also Known As An Even Feed Foot or Dual Feed Foot
The Colorful World of Sewing is the exclusive US importer of this newly designed and highly anticipated Ultimate Walking Foot. What makes The Ultimate Walking Foot superior to any other low shank walking foot on the market? Quality, Durability and Three Interchangeable Soles to simplify specific sewing tasks. The all metal frame and inner workings are also unique to The Ultimate Walking Foot, guaranteeing years of trouble free use and more stability of the foot when sewing for more accurate seams than ever before with a basic plastic body walking foot.
The Ultimate Walking Foot for is used for even feeding of fabric layers. Improving on the plastic teeth found on all other walking feet, the rubberized feed dog of The Ultimate Walking Foot better grips the top layer of fabric to feed the top layer precisely as the machine feed dogs move the bottom layer, there´s no more shifting! Great for quilting or matching stripes and plaids. The Ultimate Walking Foot is also ideal for sewing napped and other difficult to sew fabrics that tend to creep, slip or stretch while you are sewing. A straight stitch is generally used, though other utility stitch patterns and some simple decorative stitches can also be used as necessary.
The Ultimate Walking Foot has what no other low shank walking foot on the market has: three interchangeable soles! A standard sole for all general sewing, including 1/4" seam markings; an open toe sole for better visibility when doing decorative work, also with 1/4" seam markings and an edge stitch sole for stitching along edges or stitching in the ditch. The Ultimate Walking Foot also includes left and right adjustable edge guides so you can easily stitch a chosen distance from the edge of a fabric or from a previously sewn row of stitching. Great for linear quilting and deep hems on draperies, etc. A detailed full color instruction booklet is included as well as a plastic storage case with custom foam compartments for each piece to keep your Ultimate Walking Foot safe when not in use.
Click here for machine compatibility details