Home / Sewing Machine Accessories / Husqvarna Viking Accessories / Husqvarna Viking Presser Feet / Husqvarna Viking Changeable Decorative Guide Foot Sole for the Interchangeable Dual Feed Walking Foot
Husqvarna Viking Changeable Decorative Guide Foot Sole for the Interchangeable Dual Feed Walking Foot

Husqvarna Viking Changeable Decorative Guide Foot Sole for the Interchangeable Dual Feed Walking Foot

0.07 lbs

Additional Sole for Use with the Husqvarna Viking Interchangeable Dual Feed Walking Foot

Use the Husqvarna Viking Changeable Decorative Guide Foot when stitching in the ditch along a seam line sewing any decorative or straight stitch. You can use a straight stitch in any needle position or use most decorative stitches. Use this sole also when joining one finished edge to another or when sewing on ribbons, trims, etc. The metal guide in the center of the foot helps you when guiding your fabric as do the red markings on the foot.